Monday, 17 September 2012

Egg Lander

          The basic design and shape of our egg lander was in the form of a cube.  Originally we had planned to make something that is similar to the shape of a tetrahedral, but we decided to change the idea and turn it into a cube.  Basically, there was a large cube which held everything together.  Within the cube, we basically tried to hold up the egg with several straws while it was sitting on a triangle made of straws.  We tried to tape the straws to anything we could and try to create several different triangular shapes within the box.  Once that has been completed, and all our straws have been used, we just wrapped the egg and the straws around it with newspaper and taped it where it was necessary.   
          Unfortunately, when it came to the actual dropping of the egg, the egg and lander were not able to withstand the pressure and gravity; and as a result, cracked.  
          What my group and I didn't take into consideration is the weight of the egg.  We just assumed that the egg is very light; but when it's dropped from the air with all the gravitational force and drag going against it, the weight of the egg becomes much heavier and drops quicker.  To improve this egg lander, I would try to cover up the egg less by not having as many straws touching it, but have plenty of space between the egg and the ground so that it is a "softer" type of landing for the egg, rather than the egg hitting the ground immediately. I would also try to make the structure of the egg lander more flexible so that it can take in more of the shock.

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